Bath Gasworks   Bath, UK

Located on a disused former National Grid site along the river Avon close to the Georgian centre of Bath, Bath Gasworks is an exemplary 611-mixed tenure residential-led development, which responds to the industrial and heritage of its location to create a cohesive, connected and sustainable community.

As part of the UNESCO World Heritage City, the design takes its cue from the historic city and its industrial location through the adoption of materials – brick which references the previous gas works on site and the tones of Portland stone which reference the Bath Georgian buildings of the city. A series of linear (5-6 storey) buildings sit perpendicular to the river frontage, allowing views through to the (6 storey) courtyard buildings at the centre of the site, with a linear avenue building along the site’s southern boundary. Maximising the opportunity for the public spaces, the project also incorporates 1.2 hectares of open accessible space, providing opportunity for recreation and a focus on biodiversity, habitat creation and ecology. A new Sustainable Transport Route will connect the site to the city and wider area, reducing vehicular traffic and providing safe, greener connections.

Targeting net zero carbon the scheme provides a biodiversity net gain of 38% by with the creation of a riverside ecology corridor, integration of green and brown roofs, and sustainable urban drainage systems. The existing brownfield, highly contaminated site will be fully remediated prior to the construction of the development.

The project involved extensive consultation through design review panels, pre-application meetings, and public consultations including Historic England and B&NES Council. It received planning permission in 2024.

‘Bath Gasworks repairs an industrial scar in the city by offering a sensitive, landscape-led, and contextual response that respects its industrial and heritage setting. It has all the ingredients – amenity, transport and aspect – to support everyday living, and create a greater connection to a more active, sustainable and ecological, nature-connected environment.’

Kirsten Lees, Partner, Grimshaw

Bath, UK

Project Type
Residential →

St William Homes

45,000 sq m

