Herman Miller Portal Mill   Melksham, UK

Continuing Grimshaw’s collaboration with Herman Miller, the Portal Mill project for housing manufacture and administration shares the attitude of the preceding facilities with a unified approach to design and the built environment. The 15,790 sq m space is arranged in an ‘L’ shape, with a central hub adjacent.

In contrast to usual rectilinear sheds for production, this configuration allows for a highly efficient layout of manufacturing and goods delivery zones while reducing distances for staff to reach the canteen, reception and offices that form the heart of the project.

The sole UK headquarter building for Herman Miller maintains the company’s principles for a democratically organised workplace and a central place for all staff to socialise.

The close proximity between operations, research and development, and supply chain groups in this community-focused factory development encourages greater collaboration between teams. At the same time, Portal Mill provides the necessary capacity to run state-of-the-art equipment and manufacturing processes.

Herman Miller and I both share a unified approach to design and the built environment, so it was a pleasure to work with this or revered company again

Sir Nicholas Grimshaw

Sir Nicholas Grimshaw and Herman Miller CEO Brian Walker officially opened the manufacturing facility Portal Mill on 17 November 2015. Video produced by Tim Richardson, There4 Productions.


Melksham, UK

Project Type
Industry and Energy →

Herman Miller ltd

15,790 sq m



Craig Auckland / Fotohaus