The building structure uses a simple primary and secondary beam system with columns on a 10 x 20 m grid to create a 6000 sq m space with only two rows of nine columns.
Standing almost 6 m, the height of the building enables it to be used effectively for storing a high volume of pallets, as well as accommodating the company’s evolving manufacturing processes.
A notable feature of the design is the completely demountable cladding system of fibreglass, louvres and glazing, which allows staff to rearrange the position of window and facade building panels to accommodate necessary changes in use.
A prime consideration of the design process was energy conservation and the low wall – floor ratio of 1:30 – less than half that of usual industrial facilities – combined with high roof insulation, contribute to the low running costs.
Solid panels can be changed for glazed units, doors can be moved, even the positions of the recessed courtyards can be changed.
Sir Nicholas Grimshaw
Bath, UK
Project Type
Industry and Energy →
Herman Miller Ltd
6320 sq m
Jo Reid & John Peck