Grimshaw Chairman Andrew Whalley has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the Glasgow School of Art at the 2019 graduation ceremony in June.
After graduating from The Mackintosh School of Architecture, Andrew joined Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners in 1986. Since then Andrew has been an instrumental part of Grimshaw leading projects in a diverse range sectors including education, performing arts, transportation and workplace.
Andrew has been an instrumental part of the international development of Grimshaw, helping to establish new offices in the USA and the Middle East, as well securing major new business opportunities.
Professor Sally Stewart, Head of MSA at The Glasgow School of Art, said: “Andrew Whalley is one of the world’s most respected architects who throughout his career has been in the vanguard in rethinking how architects contribute to the contemporary environment and changing the expectations of how buildings anticipate and respond to contemporary needs and challenges.”
“Andrew began this journey as an undergraduate student at MSA where he questioned the orthodoxy and began to develop the research-informed practice, which he has sustained over the years.”
Andrew said: “I look back at my time at the Glasgow School of Art with much fondness, a place where I made lifelong friendships, and also reverence, when I think of the teaching and opportunities we were given.”
“Probably the most important aspect was being surrounded by so many talented individuals across the whole spectrum of the Arts.”